Finding Joy in the Chaos

Some of the personal work I’m doing this year is learning to find peace and joy in the craziness of life. For so long I based my happiness on the next big thing - summer break, a new job, a fun vacation, making more money, and the list goes on. I was always waiting for some future event to solve my problems and bring the joy I was craving. I’ve learned that there will always be a next thing and if I’m always chasing something in the future as my source of joy I miss out on the present moment and I’ll never be content. Posting joy-filled pictures makes me happy not because my life is perfect or always fun but because in the midst of the struggle I’m fighting to still find beauty in each day and peace in the midst of chaos. Learning to sit with seemingly contradicting emotions is a skill and a gift. So today cheers to feeling peace, fear of the unknown, excitement for the work I’m doing, gratitude for the people in my life and overwhelmed with my to do list. I can feel all of those things and still find joy in the messy process of life.