2024 Word of the Year


My 2024 word of the year is create. I want to create space to capture more joy and (literally) use my creativity by creating things - art projects, plans, and writing.

Instead of creating a big plan for the year I decided to do a quick monthly focus at the beginning of the month and a check-in at the end of the month.

I’ll be sharing January focus areas next and how you can create monthly focus areas for your word of the year.

How I’m Putting My Word of the Year in Action

Although I love having a word of the year, I’m not sure if I’m great at using the word. This year I decided to try something different. I want to use the word in my daily life.

I wanted to pick a word of the year AND make a plan to intentionally use the word.

So…How am I bringing more expansion to my life this year? I’m focusing on expanding a few areas of my life.

My Year of No

I’ve read Shonda Rhimes’ book, Year of Yes, at least twice (if not more). I LOVE it! Saying yes to the scary, uncomfortable things is totally my jam. Finding courage, getting out of your own way, and pushing yourself to try new things are all things I can easily get behind. 

When I read the book at the beginning of this year (2022) I decided my yes needed to be different. I was going to say yes to saying no. I’m calling 2022 the year of no.

So, what led me to a year of no? ….

Finding Joy in the Chaos

Some of the personal work I’m doing this year is learning to find peace and joy in the craziness of life. For so long I based my happiness on the next big thing - summer break, a new job, a fun vacation, making more money, and the list goes on. I was always waiting for some future event to solve my problems and bring the joy I was craving. I’ve learned that there will always be a next thing and if I’m always chasing something in the future as my source of joy I miss out on the present moment and I’ll never be content.