January Update: using my word of the year

In January I shared how I am FINALLY putting my word of the year in action. This year I made a plan to use my word of the year in four areas of my life.

How is it going?! I have an update!

January Progress

Generosity: 2023 Action - I doubled my monthly giving budget and plan to find a quarterly volunteer opportunity.

  • Giving: I exceeded my giving budget and was able to celebrate a few new and old friends with unique gifts.

  • Volunteering: I started researching opportunities but haven’t committed to one yet. I did volunteer for the alumni committee I’m a part of for my undergraduate school.

Relationships: 2023 Action - Spend more time with people I love and plan for it by prepping days to see/talk to them.

  • I did not stick exactly to my calendar plan for this, but I still spent time weekly with people I love. It looked a little different than planned due to sickness, weather, and some family member health issues. I’m learning to keep the big picture goal in mind and not get too upset if the details aren’t perfect.

Wellness: 2023 Actions - At least 15 minutes of movement/day, travel with people I love, and expand my faith journey.

  • Movement was great before my trip to Costa Rica, but I came back and was sick for a week. It’s been hard to get back in my routine but I’m slowly getting there. I hired a personal trainer and I’m excited to see how that goes!

  • Costa Rica was amazing and I’m thankful for time with old and new friends. The trip deserves its own post!

  • I was able to connect with friends about our faith on my trip and feel like I grew spiritually.

Career: 2023 Actions - Try new things on the podcast and share more wins.

  • Season 2 of the podcast has not been released. I did a lot of planning for season 2. I have ideas, but need to take action on making them happen. February is a perfect time for this!

  • On my trip I shared some wins with friends and it was fun to celebrate together. I’m expanding on this with a broader group in February.

Overall, I’m happy with my January progress! It wasn’t perfect, but sharing this publicly is helping me stay accountable to the goals I set. I also love having an actionable plan for making my word come to life. Feel free to join me if you think this would work well for you! I would love to hear your updates.

Have a great week!
